Mana Lina: Part 1

The Story

Where upon by Leonardo’s death closed the door upon his exploration of the state of human knowledge during the Renaissance, the Age of Enlightenment, in the Western Traditions; the Mana Lina, is an evocative work that opens a new door and begins a series of painting with a question that explores the hidden wisdom and mysteries of the older Oriental Traditions which lies deeply buried within the history of our region.

Click here to read more about the >> Mana Lina 


*Artwork is currently Not For Sale.

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Category: Tag:
  • Title: Mana Lina 1
  • 23.4″ X 33.1″ x 0.75″ (in) – Size A1
  • Medium: Oil on canvas
  • Others: Framed
  • Year: 2022